17 Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s – Step 5: Sleep

17 Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s – Step 5: Sleep

We should be sleeping approximately one third of our life.  There are 24 hours in a day and we should be sleeping approximately 8 hours a night.  In addition, the most important hours to sleep are the hours before midnight.  A good night’s sleep will be from 10 pm to...
17 Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s – Step 3: Water

17 Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s – Step 3: Water

The earth is made up of 71 percent water.  Our bodies are made up of 78% water when we are born and usually about 60% as we get older.  You can live 110 days without food but you can only  go three weeks without water or you will die. Water is life.  We need to drink...